Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Race #6

Winds were light from the NW.  Current was ebbing.  Course was from H to B and back.

This was an odd race.  With a strong ebb and a light breeze, we had to sail all the way up to B and come back to H.  For the quicker boats, this was done in a normal 60-90 minute time.  For the boats that have a low VMG upwind, they were unable to fight the current and round B.

We had a nice start on the west side of the line.  We kept the boat on the west side of the course and eventually sailed into the shallow water by Minniesceongo.  This was helpful as we were able to get out of the current and make good headway towards B.  After rounding B, we made sure to sail down to the middle of the river to get into the heavier current and make it to H.

We sailed around for a little while after the race and grabbed the last slice of pizza before heading home.

I think a course to 26 for the C division would have allowed more boats to finish.

Before the race, we passed by my brother's boat that was coming home from a long trip along the East coast down to the Caribbean. 

Patronus on their return to Haverstraw

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